End of the road.

End of the road.

Hello CBI A3 Comunity, This is Team ASE’s final post as part of CBI A3 for 2019/2020. We have submitted our final whitepaper! As bittersweet as it is to realise we are at the end of our project, we cannot find the words to express how grateful we are to have...
Week 21 – Showcase? Is that you?

Week 21 – Showcase? Is that you?

It’s almost SHOWCASE TIME! We are excited to be so close to the end! Oh, how time really DOES fly. This week, Team ASE rehearsed our (pre) final presentations with Inno.Space and our teaching teams. We attended a zoom meeting that simulated our final showcase in order...
Week 20 – ANZAC Day

Week 20 – ANZAC Day

This week, Team ASE celebrated ANZAC Day (April 25th), a national day of remembrance for Australia and New Zealand to commemorate all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died for our country. We will remember them. We continued to work on our presentation in...
Week 19

Week 19

This week, Team ASE began working on the user interface of the HALO and its placement on the concept for ease of use. We know that this would be the first thing that users would interact with, so ensuring that it was easy to use and functional remains a priority. We...
Week 18

Week 18

This week, we decided to work on a process map of how our concept will fit into the airport process. We tried to understand where in the airport our concept will fit best, analysing current airport practice and pain points in the airport, especially the length of time...