Hello everybody! Let´s start with our first blog post!
We are thrilled to start our blogging of our CBI A3 journey, in which we are going to face the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12 posted by the UN). We started our journey by getting used to our Design Factory with building a Rube Goldberg Mashine. Furthermore we used the excersises to get to know each other to build a team. Our second task was related to the preparation of our upcoming travels to Cern in geneva. For that we prepared Tech- and Opportunity Cards which will help us to learn about the deeptech from Cern and the ATTRACT academy and also identify local problems related to the SDG12.
The SDG12 is looking at responsible consumption and production. By that we looked at the local problems of Mannheim, but also germany as a whole. In our opportunity cards we pointed out issues like single use plastics and the fact, that we are living in a throwaway society. We also looked into climate related problems as of extreme weather, droughts and floods. To point out those issues, we interviewed our friends and family and also researched on our own.
Today’s featured quote is:
“The best way to predict the future is to create it!” – Abraham Lincoln
We also created our teamvideo above and connected to the other CBI A3 teams, to prepare for our journey to Cern. We can´t wait to jump into the train to Geneva to start the 2 weeks intense program with all the other teams and the teaching teams. We are looking forward for an exciting adventure with very interesting people and exciting lectures.
We wish you all the best from Mannheim,
Nils, David and Daniel

Great that you guys kept up with the deadline
Lots of Love,
Team S.A.G.E