This week, Team ASE began working on the user interface of the HALO and its placement on the concept for ease of use. We know that this would be the first thing that users would interact with, so ensuring that it was easy to use and functional remains a priority. We also worked on our final form and renders, turning the vision into an architecturally correct reality. We also worked on our hero image, the airport layout map to show where our concept fits, as well as our video, all of which will be shown at our showcase!

We learned that our sketched designs may be a little complicated and not architecturally sound to house the CERN technology we will implement. This means we may need to slightly skew our design so that it makes more sense in integrating the CERN technology and retains the shape of a halo. We hope that the design will continue to evolve in the future!

“What does “mid-semester break” even mean?”

For the next week, we will begin considering all finer design details and maximising effectiveness in implementation. We will begin working on our presentation now that most design elements and deliverables are complete. Lastly, we will need to finalise the summary video that will be shown at our showcase.