We are Clara, Manuel and Mascha and we are Team CLASH. Our student backgrounds are all different – combining Design, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering to achieve our goal to create something sustainable with a positive impact.
Challenge accepted.

ComImmunity is like antivirus software only for your body. With our innovative drug-free method we fight the virus itself and not just the symptoms. In the video below we show the basic concept. By collecting users virus and antibody data it is possible to give your immune system a boost by providing help from people who have already shown a successful immune response if your body is not able to fight the virus on its own.
Weekly Updates
Week 28
„It's a wrap.“
Hello everybody, this will probably be our last post for now.
Week 27
„We can be so proud of what we achieved!“ – Team Clash
Wow! That's all you can say about last week. After we presented our final presentation to the teaching team of Innospace on Tuesday it was finally time to share our project with everyone on Thursday morning.
Week 26
„I think I've got it!“ – Manu
The week began with grinding our video to its final shape. With the battle result of many night shifts, countless crashes in After Effects and a dead laptop (RIP) we proudly presented our final video on Tuesday.
Week 25
„Animations, Compositions and more Animations.“
Our focus this week was clearly on the final video. After we rewrote our storyboard at the beginning of the week and made it less technical, we sat down on Tuesday and started working busily on a video.
Week 24
„Take some time for you, as well.“ – Teaching Team
We started the week with the completion of our first poster version...
Week 23
„We set our goals very high.“ – Mascha
We started the week with a small Clash meeting. We finished our personas and also created a user story for the doctor, the researcher, and the actual user. We plan to use these user stories in our final presentation to make the process more understandable to listeners hearing about ComImmunity for the first time.
Week 22
„We are on track.“ – Clara
This week was all about depth of detail. We accepted the challenge with pleasure and jumped right into it. We showed that we really thought our way into every detail of our technical process and did an incredible amount of research.
Week 21
„Believing in something will bring you quite far.“ – Kirstin
On Tuesday we got a launch again. The motto of the week was "Timeline Roadmap".
Week 20
“And be aware we are now design thinking remote pioneers.” – Kirstin
Besides the refreshing Skype Call with ASE on Tuesday morning, this week started with a new experience for all of us, working remotely from home. This was also the topic of our conversation with ASE, because of course we didn't just talk about our project.
Week 19
“The Lamborghini for the body” – Dr Rudolf
The week began with a surprise. Christine made a little stopover at inno.space and we were all very happy to see her again.
Week 18
“Research till you drop”
We had a more theoretical week. We continued to work on the topic of system thinking. We noticed further connections between environment and our product.
Week 17
“Manuel and Clara should become designers!” – Mascha
We followed our plan and started the week with a video production.
Week 16
“I don't care about my personal data.” – A respondent.
Our week was full of fun, information and workload; as always. As a super-special-event this week we had a very interesting Discovery-Workshop from Insights®.
Week 15
“We did not expect that!” – Teaching Team
The week began on Tuesday with a massive, densely packed and informative LGM. We had a lot to discuss. We got really helpful feedback on our whitepaper. Also, we got a high-speed instruction to our next tasks: a “Stakeholder Map” and a “Future Scenario”.
Week 14
“Starting with a mystery”
After fulfilling the important goal of passing the finals, team Clash met again at Innospace to continue working on SDG #3 and ComImmunity.
Week 13
“Congratulations, it’s a whitepaper!”
The work continued on and we finally finished our first bigger milestone.
Week 12
“소주 and some spicy noodles”
Happy New Year to all of you and welcome to 2020, Team Clash met again on Tuesday after the well deserved winter break. Together with Hannam Design Factory from Korea we had an exciting start into the year.
Week 11
“Decisions on Decisions”
This week we finally skyped with our CERN coach Ashley. She gave us some suggestions for our ideas, which we have to investigate in more detail. Thank you Ashley for that! In addition, we finally decided on an idea that we would like to work on further.
Week 10
Hey there! 🙂 We are back in Germany and back to our daily life.
Week 8 + 9
“GO Banana”
The last two weeks we spend at CERN in Switzerland at the 2 weeks intensive program. We had a full program. Many interesting lectures and very very very very very many ideation sessions.
Week 7
“Prototype mode on”
A bit of CERN-technology here, another bit of christmas-mood there. That was our week in a nutshell.
Week 6
“Strike a pose”
This week we had our first expert interview with a farmer and biologist from the Netherlands. Also, we did a fabulous photo shoot!
Week 5
“The origins of health are to be found in a sense of coherence” – Aaron Antonovsky
We started our week with a super interesting and mind-expanding model created from Aaron Antonovsky.
Week 4
“Reasearch Research Research”
At the beginning of this week we just briefly brainstormed about topics like vitamin deficiency in Germany, antibiotics in ground and surface water in Germany, mental health, sound pollution and common diseases in Germany.
Week 3
“Love is the salt of the life soup” – Old man from Mannheim
During the past week, we designed our first questionnaire in which we mainly asked about the differences between health and well-being. We interviewed 26 people of all ages on a Tuesday morning.
Week 2
“Get the party started” – P!nk
This week we started to familiarize ourselves with the topic and created a mind map, which we are continuously expanding.
Week 1
“Do you need another coffee?” – We, every few minutes
During the first week, we got to know each other better as a team. We developed a team name, did the introduction video and designed a suitable logo.

Clara Dieing
Clara is a Biomedical Engineering Master student at the University of Applied Science in Mannheim. During her studies, she focused on high-frequency hardware-based medical research and medical imaging. She is looking forward to the challenge to “clash” the CERN technologies with the SDGs.

Manuel Walter
Manuel did his bachelor degree in Mechatronics. Now he studies Informational Technology. He loves to be creative and to prototype; corresponding to his mechatronic studies he always tries to „clash“ the different disciplines, mechanic, electronic and Information Technology.

Mariya is in her sixth semester studying communication design at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences.
In her studies, she concentrates on UX/UI and brand design. She “clashes” innovation with a clean design. When she’s not designing, she can be found drinking coffee and watching bad movies.