Quote of the week: “Research Research Research”

At the beginning of this week we just briefly brainstormed about topics like vitamin deficiency in Germany, antibiotics in ground and surface water in Germany, mental health, sound pollution and common diseases in Germany. We concentrated on the causes, the current state, the factors favouring the condition, scope of action of an individual, already existing solution proposals and the relevance for 2030. Based on our research we have started to classify the individual topics in a diagram according to relevance for 2030 and the already existing solutions. The research topics are rather limited to large topic areas, which concern everyone, but which not everyone is aware of. Our goal for further research is to focus on the well-being topic, topics which everyone can identify with. 

Instead of the weekly LGM (Large Group Meeting) we participated in a professional Interview workshop where we learned the basics of interviewing. This workshop put a new light on our past interviews. Now we will do further interviews more professional. We will therefore divide our next questionnaire into subject areas and arrange the individual questions into funnels. Furthermore we will do interviews with speech recording and without discrete questions but a guideline for the interviewer. This will give us the ability to analyse the answers even better.