Our everyday life at home did not change and still looks like this: we have telephone conferences which lasts several hours and where the connection always breaks off after exactly one hour (maybe it‘s a hint from the universe to have a break or just stop working and go back to bed :D). After that it takes at least 3 attempts until we are all together on the phone again, but we take it with humor.

What We Worked On

This week we had some special guests in our LGM. Peter and Damian, who are not that updated of our projects since the start of the home office time, because they are more into the DTP project, and an external guest, Bettina who is a professor for Entrepreneurship at Munich University of Applied Sciences and also deep into Design Thinking. They joined the zoom meeting to give us some feedback to our progress and current work.
We decided to show them some topics on which we are still a little uncertain and therefore the opinion of them is very important. For example some design issues, as since Christmas break we are a team without a professional designer.

Furthermore we continued working on the video. The idea is to bring some facts about our problem space, the antibiotic misuse, at the beginning and then pass over to our solution explained with a user story. The video is probably the most difficult part of the final deliverables for us but the first scenes are already done so it’s (almost!!! :D) a wrap. With the following screenshot of one scene you can have a sneak peek on how it will look.

Highlight Of The Week

On Thursday we had our first virtual inno.quiz with all the teachers, the DTP and GDIP Team. It was a lot of fun although the questions were either really hard or totally crazy. There was no in between. Luckily we got some extra points for especially creative answers. You might already know that…

“the true inventor of the post-it is peter post-it, not arthur fry. cheers!”

Next steps

As the deadline is getting closer and closer Our next steps will be starting with the poster which should give a short and concise overview on the product idea.