Can you believe it? It’s already Blog O’Clock again!
Since it hasn’t been that long since the last blog entry, there isn’t too much to talk about this time, although we still have some interesting new things to tell you about.
So what have we been up to at SUSTA.INNO?
First of all we had another workshop, this time with Kirstin, about behavioural change, covering things like gamification, captology and other things.
Although the whole topic was very interesting, we had to realize that it is not very applicable to our use case as we are targeting industrial companies and not individual consumers.
We also created a proper layout and plan for our final prototype. We then used this to create a 3D mock-up of the prototype. We used this information to identify all the parts we needed to order in order to build our functioning prototype.
With the bill of materials in hand, we started looking for suppliers to order from, and we are pleased to report that the first deliveries have already arrived.

Quote of the week:
Our highlight of this period is for sure 3D-printing our algae-tank. With a Printing time of about 2 days we were very excited to check in on it every couple of hours to see how things are going. With only minor complications our print worked out pretty good and we only needed a small amount of tape to save our print halfway throigh. Sadly some layers didn’t adhere to each other properly and removing the supports was a lot of work we still realy enjoyed this part of our project. Because of the layer seperation and also because of gaps inbetween layers, we decided to coat the entire print in epoxy resin to make it properly watertight.

Next Steps:
The next steps will be to order our last remaining few items, that we need for our final prototype and then oviously starting to assamble it.
We also still have some research to do on some technical aspects, like how deep we can make our storage tanks in terms of light penetration for photo synthesis. Or if it is feasible to use artificial lighting in terms of energy consumption and therefore CO2 emissions. Or some more details on how the harvested algae byproduct can be used.
We hope you guys are as excited as we are for the next couple of weeks of the project!
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