Hey guys!

During our two-week stay at CERN in Ideasquare, we developed several prototypes based on the identified Portunity Cards problems. After several ideation sessions, two prototypes stood out in particular, which we also presented to the various “Cernies” during our final presentation. 

The first prototype was developed against the backdrop of the pollution of the world’s oceans with microplastics and the associated health consequences for humans. A self-sufficient bionic whale-like robot called “Micro(plas)dick” is intended to rid the oceans of microplastics in the future. A built-in filter system in the whale’s mouth should make it possible to fish the smallest plastic particles out of the water. A solar module on its back and nanogenerators on its fins (based on Attract’s “Pipe4.0” technology) will enable the whale to supply itself with energy independently. The collected microplastic is emptied via floating collection stations and can then be used to create new whales using 3D printers. 


The second prototype targets mental health. Many people in our modern world suffer from mental illnesses such as depression, but they often go undiagnosed. In the future, MINT (mental infirmity neural tester) will be used to diagnose depression at an early stage without the need to visit a doctor and to recommend targeted professional help. The patient undergoes a psychological test in which brain activity, facial expressions and blood parameters are measured and evaluated while viewing a sequence of images. The parameters are monitored via a portable MRI scanner, a camera for recording facial expressions and a blood meter for analyzing stress hormones, for example. 


Based on these results, we made our way back to Germany to work on the results further. Stay tuned for the progress!

Stay tuned!
