We are Team GTG, consisting of the team members Ute Grünbaum, Domenic Gosein and Nina Dreher. GTG stands for Go Turn Green and is made up of parts of our last names translated into English (Gosein – Go, Dreher – Turn, Grünbaum – Green).
With our team name we wanted to set a clear reference to this year’s SDG – Life on Land but also integrate something personal in the team name.

We are all doing our Master’s degree at the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim at partly different faculties. Ute studies process and chemical engineering, loves to read a lot and used to do rope skipping. Domenic studies computer science and has already made half a world trip by motorcycle. And Nina studies Medical Data Science, loves swimming and has already crossed the Alps by foot once.

In the first weeks we got to know each other better and created a small introduction video as a first challenge as well as defined more precisely for us as a team what it means for us to work together as a team for the next months.

Sometimes it is not easy to reconcile different ideas and opinions, but that is the challenge we have to face. For us, teamwork means treating each other with respect, addressing problems and fears openly and, above all, not forgetting to have fun. We are looking forward to the great challenge and new experiences that the project offers and would like to work out a meaningful and practicable idea that contributes a great improvement to the improvement of SDG 15.