What We Worked On – Medium Fidelity Prototype

The video down below is our finished medium fidelity prototype. The goal was to explain the concept of SiMA without revealing what the product looks like. We chose this approach in order to get new inspiration on the phyisical shape of our product and to find out which attributes are neccessary for a 24/7 use.


Our Project at the University of Applied Sciences in Mannheim combines CERN Technologies with the goals of the UN. The topic of this years project is  “health and wellbeing”. The concept developed during the project is designed for the year 2030.
When it comes to healthcare a lot of people think about medication. At the moment the doctor perscribes multiple medications, which have to be taken in variable doses and at different times. This can be confusing and cause stress.
In the future we imagine medication to be simple. In order to achieve this the application will be automatically administered by our product. Additionally the therapy will be personaliesed and the doctor can monitor therapy success and side effects continously. If neccessary the doctor can ajust the therapy remotely.
The only thing you have to do to benefit from our product is wearing the device 24/7.

Key Learnings of our user interviews

We interviewed two different target groups (1: age 20-30, 2: age 50-60). And started the interviews with the expectation, that the younger target group would be more open to the idea of SiMA.
But the outcome of our user research was quite unexpected, because supporters and opponents were equally spread across both target groups.
The main concerns about the concept were the 24 hours use, but also the decreasing personal contact with doctors.
When asked about the looks of SiMA users suggested smart watches, fashion items and even implants. Furhtermore we got inptus to research towards technologies used in diabetes care and medicine patches and depots.


Next steps

  • generating a systems map
  • expert interviews (especially on transdermal application of antibiotics)
  • research on the new inputs of our user interviews