This is a 2030 Product Development-bound METRO train.


This week, we found ourselves ramping up our design production into the idea, making a lot of progress in the conceptual realm. This meeting also took place over Skype–hence the pixelated picture of our gathering–however, we still managed a great degree of productivity.

To do this, we first went over the ideas put forth by user-design thinking concepts. To begin, we first must envision who we will specifically target with this solution, creating our hypothetical user. With this, we can begin to understand what their possible hopes and worries might be for the product itself. Further, we developed a survey that we are to take to give to at least two other fellow University students each (who will be our supposed target audience) so that we may fully understand the current state of this demographic’s health and wellbeing. The survey does not pertain to anything personal regarding their medical needs, rather we delve into possible improvements they may suggest to our current medical system at large so that diagnostic medical exposure can be expedited and maximized. The goal of our product is to reduce the overhead of rudimentary medical processes that could likely be automated into one easily-accessible product, and so our desired information pertains primarily to the interactions of everyday peoples with the larger system in question. Through this method, we should be able to better visualize our WHO and WHAT in this design process, enabling us to later develop our HOWs and WHYs.



The rest of Team METRO’s work this week then lay outside of the classroom, and so there is little yet to mention about the fruits of these efforts which have yet to sprout. There was talk about maintaining a degree of ethics in running the survey, and so Team METRO will step with deft feet so that they may maximize their data intake without compromising the subjective well-being of those who volunteer their experiences.



The next stop is Survey Data Aggregation and Analysis.