“When making experiences, attention to detail matters.” – Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin)

So many ideas, so little time!

We’ve accumulated a lot since the beginning of the CBI A3 project, with collaboration, prototypes and research projects. We’ve ideated and explored possibilities, some of which worked, some of which didn’t. Here, we’re going to highlight our design development process, and share with you some of our key highlights from this part of the project. We’ve had the chance to generate ideas through more traditionally well-known design methodologies (such as How-Might-We generation and Stanford’s d.school Design Thinking Process) to further established processes that allowed us to explore our problem space in new ways.

These activities, new to us, involved aspects of our prior knowledge of design methods and processes, incorporating working to the UK Design School’s Double Diamond Framework and working to view our problem space from the eyes of different users. We have been able to generate several new ideas within our problem area, including addressing doctor-patient relationships and the balance between privacy, anonymity, trust and comfort. Our SGM presentation slides below detail through our concept in a bit more detail, including our virtual and in-person testing of the prototype to establish if we were to continue in this direction or go a different way. This kind of process allowed us to be able to make these similar decisions regarding other idea generation as well.

This concept came to fruition through diegetic prototyping, providing us with experience in prototyping for a critical experience and allowing us to better understand how users feel about the concept, rather than focusing on its usability. Critical experience prototyping (CEP) allowed for our anonymous face shield concept to develop only as far as a concept, as testing feedback explained that though the idea was interesting, it was not something that addressed the root cause of discomfort or anxiety when going to see a doctor.

Key Points

Our design development has continued to evolve over the last few weeks, with major contributions from our primary research efforts and prototype sessions. some of our key takeaways look at how we have connected our design concept to our main user, Australian women with endometriosis. We also wished to address the potential of our design to be expanded and attributed to other health areas, outside of our own problem space.

Taking on our feedback from our CEP presentation and building on our previous idea generation, we are hoping to further define our direction and present on our detailed design in the coming weeks. This would essentially present an almost-final idea direction for final feedback and allow us to fully refine our problem space.

Team Snapshot

This week was incredibly eye-opening to looking at our problem space from a different angle and creating the CEP prototyping and testing.

Quote of the Week:

“We love a nod to Mario.”


Next Steps