CERN Festival Reflection
Idea Bank
We generated a lot of ideas and created amazing prototypes in really short time during the CERN Festival Jam. Only from Idea Napkins we collected more than 20 ideas! It doesn’t include of course lots of post-its we brought from CERN. Sorting and clustering it showed us a scale of this very big IDEATION journey.
We learned several methods of generating ideas. We especially enjoyed reversing our assumptions about the existing world in favour of the future. After all, it would be hard to invent a light bulb from a candle. We also expanded our knowledge of deep technology.
Here are the most interesting ideas for us:
- AI-based machine to diagnose and select people to send to specialist (general practitioner support) to avoid queues
- RUNNING THINGS – workspace with furnitures that moves away from you on demand, so you have to move your body
- autoprescription app to automatize gaining prescription for people with stated diabetics
- road charger – urban infrastructure: a special street kinetic surface that converts the road traffic into energy
- mask with the addition of layers when the air is excessively polluted
- hyger stick for blind people
- FLOWFLY – adjustable furniture that reacts to the condition of your body, builded from tiles to perfectly fit to your body, changing its position to ensure healthy position of your body sensors on body to ensure good working position
- home kit to self diagnose for mental and physical condition
- booth with fixed arm to stabilise hips allowing legs stimulate in many ways (e.g. treadmill)
- app for children with mental health problems, so they can talk openly to cartoon protagonist (standing for psychologist on other side of smartphone)
- module that transforms combustion car into electrical
- buses direct to and from home with order grafique the day before
- ,,magic pen” that ensures working while walking with innovative writing down to the computer all the hand gestures you did
- tattoo on ankle with special pigment to show by the color the current level of sugar for diabetics
It’s not just the work we did, but the work we did with friends. Sharing and learning about other ideas and different perspectives made it possible. Thanks for your help, thanks for feedback we received!
What We received as a Team
During the trip we were given the integration of team, getting to know each other better. We formed a good team established on the rules of cooperation. We also learned to give each other feedback. We deepened the understanding of the identified problems through the “5 whys” method and last but not least we defined the assumptions that we should validate in the next phase.
Team Snapshot
Highlights of the week
,,This two-week intensive course at CERN changed and broadened my perspective on developing ideas and using deep technology to solve problems. I also met there a lot of amazing people who were very inspiring.” Julia
,,Intensive two weeks that changed my perspective on prototyping – now I understand its value. Together with the participants of the trip we created a mix of cultures, which opened my eyes to new perspectives.” Karolina
,,I really enjoyed the time spent with people, the broadening lectures and finally the CERN infrastructure facilities I explored. I learned also a lot about power of curiosity. We have license to dream!” Piotr
Quotes of the week
“Can you see Mont Blanc from here?”
Mont blanc loomed on the horizon like our initial understanding of the issues – with each passing day the view became clearer
“Remember the sedentary lifestyle – get up”
after knowing the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle we motivated each other to change our habits.
Our next steps
We have identified many assumptions that we should validate in the coming weeks. We would like to read the tech cards of other participants to get a better idea of the technologies available from ATTRACT and CERN. In addition, we want to conduct interviews with doctors, psychologists, office workers and air pollution experts. Deepening our understanding of the opportunity cards will help us choose which problem to focus on later. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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