Ctrl Z: Crop It Like It’s Hot

“When making experiences, attention to detail matters.” – Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin) So many ideas, so little time! We’ve accumulated a lot since the beginning of the CBI A3 project, with collaboration, prototypes and research projects....

Ctrl Z: Back to the Future

“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” – Dr Emmett Brown to Marty McFly (Dir. Zemeckis, Back to the Future film, 1985) Okay, so maybe we need roads to get our ideas somewhere. We’ve returned to our space to further establish...

Ctrl Z: Where were we going with this?

Following our final idea audit, found that our MediScan concept proved the most promising for this project and have delved straight in! We established our opportunity are through further, vigorous research and developed our idea to present at the culmination of Phase...

Ctrl Z: Let’s not make any pour decisions!

“Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.” – Malcolm Gladwell In keeping with our fun little puns, we’ve continued with the rain theme (or moved on to a wine theme, whichever floats your boat),...
Ctrl Z: Caught in a Brainstorm!

Ctrl Z: Caught in a Brainstorm!

Taking from our research areas, we were given the opportunity to explore these at our 2-week CERN trip to IdeaSquare. This is where we were able to work with each other and others in the Design Factory Global Network who are also participating in the CBI A3 project....