LUMO! Revolutionising home food management to encourage a sustainable future!

After numerous iterations from Fruffle to Skyhigh, our team introduces a new innovative solution, LUMO.

Lumo is a smart home solution initiative incorporating MyView and MyFood to revolutionise household food management. MyView is a roaming robotic biosensor that scans and monitors food items in the refrigerator. While MyFood is a software incorporated with A.I assistant that helps plan meals, manage soon-to-expire food and suggest recipes based on preferences. Our solution aims to develop a sustainable lifestyle by promoting responsible food management across Australian households. 

Introducing MyView!

MyView is a next generation biosensor that provides real-time data of your food in your fridge by scanning for the quantity and quality of your available food items.

MyView combines two advanced technologies from ATTRACT: VISIR2 and HYLIGHT.
VISIR2 is a dual-camera device that uses visible imaging – like how we can see with our eyes – and shortwave infrared that can provide strong contrast for high-resolution imaging.

Whereas HYLIGHT, is a device that uses artificial intelligence and hyperspectral imaging to scan for fluorescence in organic matter, which is light that is absorbed and emitted by organisms. HYLIGHT can also detect unicellular organisms such as bacteria and viruses. VISIR2 and HYLIGHT is combined to create a 3-in-1 camera component that is able to use normal vision, infrared imaging, and fluorescence spectroscopy.


Normal vision is used to identify the type, quantity and quality of food items by observing the colour, texture and form of the food.

Infrared vision provides information about volume of liquids in opaque containers, changes in chemical composition and moisture content to determine the quality of the food.

Fluorescence spectroscopy provides early detection of spoilage by scanning for bacteria, contaminants and chlorophyll fluorescence.

MyView is built to be a compact autonomous device that can dynamically move and climb surfaces inside the fridge. 

This is possible due to the gecko adhesive that is applied to the wheel. This gecko adhesive replicates the thousands of tiny hair-like structures on Gecko’s feet called spatulae.
This allows geckos to create temporary molecular attraction called the Van der Waals forces. This attractive force allows MyView to support its own weight when interacting to different surfaces. 

By collecting real time, accurate bio data on your food items at home, it informs users of when spoilage is likely to happen and allows better meal planning which is fully realised in the accompanying software, MyFood. 


Introducing MyFood!

MyFood is an adaptive and responsive meal-planning software designed to reduce household food waste. 

MyFood uses the information from MyView to utilise every food item in the kitchen. The information includes:

  • The types of ingredients and their quantities
  • Food items that are closer to their expiration dates 
  • Users’ dietary preferences, restrictions and favourite/ preferred recipes.

MyFood makes your life easier by generating recipes based on your recommendations. These recipes are presented to the user along with options for customization and adjustment.

As users interact with the software, MyView continues to monitor changes in the fridge. If new items are added or existing items are consumed, MyView updates the data in real-time which informs MyFood to plan meals accordingly.

But how is MyFood different from existing meal planning apps? 

What sets MyFood apart is its capability to adapt and respond to any changes in your life affecting your meal plans. With MyView collecting real-time data on your food items, the A.I. in MyFood will know when there’s excess food such as from leftovers or less food than expected from overcooking for example. In response, MyFood will automatically update your meal plans and grocery list according to MyView’s data. Additionally for grocery planning, MyFood considers seasonally available fruits and veggies with the market prices. This helps family’s plan meals with affordable ingredients and take advantage of sales and discounts at the supermarket. 

We envision MyFood in future to be integrated in various devices such as smartwatches, tablets and more. This enhances user experience and convenience. 

Lumo is a new way of effortlessly managing your food and encourages you to be more responsible and sustainable for the future. We predict it will radically change we approach food and encourage people to become more mindful of food waste.

The Implementation Strategy

For MyView to become what we envision, its likely that there will need to be a significant amount of research and development to transform VISIR2 and HYLIGHT to be applicable in our vision, and to create the small roaming robotic. Whereas the development for MyFood may be faster due to the prevalence of A.I. research, the full potential will not be realised until the completion of MyView.

By 2030, we envision that early versions of MyView and MyFood will be commercially accessible. However, its capabilites and features will be limited due to ongoing development for HYLIGHT. We assume development will take until 2080 for the full realisation of LUMO due to significant time needed to miniaturise electronics for the camera and moving parts for MyView.

Our concept video

Finally, to wrap this up, we’d like to show you our video that captures our solution. Hope you enjoy it!

Regular Team Snapshot

Highlight: From a flying drone to a land roaming car
It was challenging to find a suitable form for a moving camera inside a fridge. Initially, it was a drone. However, it wasn’t a believable concept as the feasibility of having it fly inside a compact space seemed unrealistic. Instead, after a long discussion, we had a pivotal moment to have  MyView as compact roaming robotic car.

Quote of the Week: “We’re almost there, time for the showcase!” ~Team B&B

Next Steps: After completing this and the presskit, there are still some areas of the solution that are not fully resolved. In particular, the implementation needs more development in detailing the stakeholders that will be part of LUMO. Additionally, we’ll need to start preparing our showcase and create physical prototypes to visually communicate our solution.