Quote of the week: “Animations, Compositions and more Animations.”
Our focus this week was clearly on the final video. After we rewrote our storyboard at the beginning of the week and made it less technical, we sat down on Tuesday and started working busily on a video. We created and modified graphics, created animations, and compositions. All this was completely new territory for the three of us. We had no experience whatsoever in the field of moving imagery and we didn’t know the program After Effects. But we managed to get used to it and discovered useful functions that could help us further. The best thing for us was the option to write our own little animation functions. Manu and Clara obviously felt at home with this 😀 so the study of information technology was worth it. Mascha, our graphics professional, did a great job putting the animation sections together and making the transitions clean. Even with a few small technical failures and laptop overheating we managed to create a rough version until today. Now only a few details have to be changed and improved. But we can still do that!
Apart from that we have updated our poster this week and added a section about the value to give it a much more visible red thread.
We are looking forward to the next weeks with one laughing and one tearing eye. On the one hand, we are happy to show you what we have been working on, on the other hand, we are sad that our time together with the CBI A3 network will soon be over. But we hope that we can continue to work on ComImmunity in the future and that we will not lose contact with you.

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