This week, we had a lot of different things to do. First of all, we drafted a project plan to see what we still need to do until the end of April. We will work on every task in parallel. The video is our main concern, as it will take some time to animate and cut.

Another important tool for us was the Social Lean Canvas. This canvas is like a Business Canvas, but more focussed on the social aspects like impact and problems, and not as much focussed on the business side. Filling out the different fields helped us to narrow down the scope and purpose of our concept. For the first time in this project we talked about the revenue stream and ways to actually implement this design.

We also worked on the outline for the white paper and decided on who will work on which part, so that everybody can start to gather ideas and start writing as soon as possible. In our meetings we will then go over the already worked out texts and discuss those. We want to make the writing process as iterative as possible, so that every team member is content with the final version.

For next week we have a presentation at the SAP AppHaus Global Goals Meetup, so we’re also working on finshing the contents of the presentation. It’s very exciting that we get this opportunity.