CBI A3 for Team ASE begins! We are working on Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. We wanted to dissect the goal and figure out all the targets that the goal focuses on achieving. According to their website, we understood that this goal has specific goals within itself that have been set out on various timelines. We started to list down global opportunities on “good health and well being” off the top of our heads to research into.

The three of us wanted to start working on our opportunity cards to get an idea of the impacts of these targets. We started doing some secondary research and decided to bring in three opportunity cards each by next week for review and new problem area identification.

We realized that every problem related to good health and well-being has many sub-categories that are linked to different industries as well. Some of the points mentioned before are already being targeted in Australia, such as sexual health services.

Our next step is to further identify all our problem areas and then carry out secondary research to address the opportunity cards. This will be done by looking at our local context and allocating points.

CERN tech cards are also required to be researched upon and will follow the same procedure. After outlining all our opportunity and tech cards, we will be linking them together based on certain scenarios.

“This is just the beginning.”