The final pitch – we had the honor to call our stage at the SDG Festival of Action in Bonn. This was organized by UN SDG Action Campaign at the World Conference Center. It was a unique and amazing experience. The initiatives, organizations and like-minded people came together to make the world a better place.

You can find the slides to our presentation here.

We got so much encouragement, incredible insights and ideas how to make ReMY’s future even more diverse. We haven’t even thought of them yet. It was a pleasure for us to see what ideas our concept inspired the people around us.

And now that the project is coming to an end, we don’t want it to end. All the months that resembled a unique roller coaster ride, all the knowledge we could acquire should not just disappear into nowhere.

So dear reader, stay excited, we are already planning the next step. We are grateful to all who have accompanied us to this point. Who stood aside with advice, patience and ideas.